Friday, August 30, 2013

How To Ignore All Facebook Apps Requests in One Click

One of the major complaints about Facebook is the Application Request Queue that keeps getting longer and longer unless your religiously hit the "Ignore" button each time there’s a request from a friend to add a new Facebook application.

At the time of writing, there were as many as 620 invitations in my Facebook Inbox for various Facebook Applications and clearing this queue would have taken days as I would press the Ignore button exactly 620 times.

Fortunately, there’s a very elegant solution available now in the form of a bookmarklet for IE and Firefox that will completely erase all Facebook application requests in one click.

Right-click the link below and select "Add to bookmarks/favorites" or drag it
- to your bookmarks/favorites of your browser and when looking at your facebook application requests page just click on it and all ignore buttons will be clicked at once! Believe it or not, it works like magic. This simple Javascript removes only the Facebook Apps requests - if you have any pending friend requests or event/group invitations, they’ll stay unaffected.

[Source: ]

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