Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A letter to My Dear lil’ Sister AKHI for Her Wedding Day

It’s funny to think of you getting married—not because I didn’t think that you would, but simply because baby sisters, by definition, are never old enough to get married…

I was thinking of all the things I want to share with you as you enter this so very important stage of life, and I realized how much there is to say, so I decided to get it on paper so that you can always refer back to it in the future. I love you. I love you dearly. You are not just my little sister, but you are one of my closest friends. We’ve been through a lot together, and I will always cherish the memories we have created thus far in our lives.

Life has a way of never staying what you want it to be. Just as you are savoring the moment, just as you get comfortable, it flies away and you find yourself entering a new normal. Soon you will enter one of those transitions. You will be married.
The first thing that I want to tell you is that, despite what you think, you are not marrying Prince Charming. No one do. Instead, I’ve discovered that you often marry someone better. And you learn this, not through candlelit dinners or romantic cruises, but through moments when

>He doesn’t want you to make a big dinner when he comes home because he’d rather just spend time with you...
>He buys you your favorite candy, just because…
>He helps you fold the laundry while he’s watching the Steelers’ game...
>He walks through the ups and downs of pregnancy with you and still thinks you are beautiful...
>He gives you room to continue to grow and change as the years pass even as he grows and changes himself...
>And through it all--despite the changes--he stays by your side for a lifetime.

No, you’re not marrying some storybook character. You are marrying a man, a good man. But even in this, you must remember that he is a man--a man with feet of clay, made from the same pitiful, earthy dust that you are. Because know this: whatever weaknesses you have, he will have them too.

And really, that’s one reason why we get married. It’s not because we’re perfect people, but precisely because we are not and God knows that we need all the help and support we can get to make it through this life. And ultimately god uses marriage to make us better people. Through every fight, through every disagreement, through every time that you humble yourself to ask forgiveness and every time that you extend forgiveness.

Even before you ever thought to make promises to each other, He had already made some of His own. He has promised that He will never leave you or forsake you. He has promised to uphold strengthen you and to give you joy and laughter along the way. And He has promised that even when things look darkest—when despite your best efforts, you still end up hurting each other—He will be there to pick up the pieces, offering grace and resurrection.

Perhaps in next years to come, I can give you more insight—maybe you can give me some as well. But whatever road God leads you on, whatever path both of you take together, remember that I love you and I’ll be rooting for you all the way.
I have such a mixed emotions about what is to come later this week. There is the excitement  but tinged with sadness that my little sister and my brand new ‘bro’, (Ahsan), will be so far away. Then there’s a hint of adventure (yours) and pride (mine) when I think of how brave you are and what an amazing experience you are about to have....
So congratulations lil’ sis and ‘welcome to the jungle of a new life’.

My best wishes will be always with you & Ahsan.I love you and I’m going to miss you, but I also feel assured in the knowledge that you’re in good hands.

With all my love,


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