Friday, November 15, 2013

In search of lost feathers

(Sneha) life can be grey or black and white.
But some colors are just her, and no one can snatch them...
(Meghla) i took a lot of her photos. Cause trust me , she is beautiful. but she always hates taking pictures.
i wanted to put other of her pics, But then i have learnt to respect what people want rather then what you do.
And less be said all beautiful things are always hidden.
that day i went, walked miles,
and there she was,
standing like a friend she always did.
(Priya) some chapters had to be closed,
some pages had to be torn,
some wall had to be repainted,
perhaps with laughter,
with joy,
and with a story no one knows.
All i can remember is her laugh,
and hope it stays along...
(Nira) you put the song in my step and the butterflies in my tummy..
(Nishi) And she opens a door,to a world of colors and joy...
(Suktara) I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.
I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too...
she lives in clouds, without a nest. In the image of smoke, i see her scattered in pieces.

Life is full of this and that.
of love we cannot have,
of joys we cannot speak of,
in spite of good and bad,
We always celebrate
what we can 
cause that helps us

to be alive.
-         -  zahid

I anit that good in making happy things rather i give all of you, all my best wishes…

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