Thursday, April 18, 2013

There is proof if you want proof ..........

There is proof if you want proof but it is contained in the qur'an both its scientific miracles so i dont know if thats acceptable proof to you. Things that couldnt have been known 1400 years ago when the qur'an was written.

The proof that turns me to have pure yaqeen (certainty) of the existence of god, is that everything works so well in the universe, the salty water will not sustain life yet the sun causes the water to rise and purify itself and then falls back to the earth to be drunk. Everyday the sun sets and then rises, the plants grow and produce fruits douring the autumns and springs, everything is so meticulous and perfect that in order to remove the creator, you need to find way after way of putting things to chance, e.g. Ball of Energy was there by chance, then of its own accord by chance exploded into a universe that happened to have right conditions for life, then a priordial soup happened to form, and happened to evolve into humans. Im sorry but i dont buy that. Each time the schools teach me a certain phase of this chain events i keep hearing 'oh there was a 1 in 10000000000000 chance of this happening or that happening. Im sorry but i find it too unrealistic. I actually find it more realistic that we were created rather than how a ball of energy happening to be there of its own accord and exploding into a universe etc. Im sorry but thats too unrealistic for me to accept.

I studied a level physics and found most of these so-called enlightened atheists were nothing but blind followers of their scientists and lapped up everything the science teacher said without questionning anything but i didnt find the answers satisfactory but islam definitely answer my questions

The 1st law of thermodynamics states:

"The energy in a system cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed from one state into another."


This is also called the law of conservation of energy. It simply means that the total amount of energy in the universe remains the same, thus acknowledging that man is incapable of creating energy or destroying it.

Q.1 - So if man cannot create nor destroy energy then who created it in the first place?

A.1 - Allaah; as He Says in the Qur'an (interpretation of the meaning):

"He it is Who created for you all that is on earth." [Al-Qur'an 2:29]

"All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who (Alone) created the heavens and the earth, and originated the darkness and the light; yet those who disbelieve hold others as equal with their Lord." [Al-Qur'an 6:1]

"It is He Who has created the heavens and the earth in truth, and on the Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) He will say: "Be!", - and it is! His Word is the Truth." [Al-Qur'an 6:73]

Thus the first law is an acknowlegment that man is incapable of creating anything; i.e. man cannot bring into existance that which did not exist before.

This is also an acknowledgement that man is incapable of destroying anything. In other words, man cannot turn something into nothing.

Allaah Says in the Qur'an (interpretation of the meaning):

"O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it (carefully): Verily those on whom you call besides Allah, cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatches away a thing from them, they will have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought." [Al-Qur'an 22:73]
Just because science helps to explain the diversity of life doesn't mean that it's sufficient to stop right there. That's like looking at a wrist watch and then saying that because everything is in perfect working order and that because it explains itself quite nicely therefore the factory that made this wristwatch does not exist -and that is a foolish conclusion. The origin of life as you know is what I'm talking about, something science cannot ever hope to explain, science can only work within its own confines and can never explain itself.

Why the self correcting mechanism? Why not then any other mechanism? Well let's say we did inhabit a world that lived in the static state that you are proposing, you can't certainly be blind enough to realise that there'll be other questions that'll be raised as to "Why didn't God do this instead, or that, or this... etc.". These questions will go on and on and on, it won't end unless we demand perfection in every single aspect of the world until each of us asks to be God.

There has to be a point where you have to realise that we can go no further than accepting our realities as they are. You have to come to an understanding that there are things that we will never begin to comprehend. People, especially atheists, seem to think that we are entitled to understanding everything and that we are capable of it too, even though forgetting that we too are creatures just like the lowliest of animals who have their limits, and that we are no different and have our limits too.

If we take for example a dog who can only see in black and white, do you think that it could ever concieve or imagine a colour other than black or white? Do you reckon us humans could concieve of a colour in our minds that do not belong to the colours of the rainbow? Do you reckon for us it's possible to imagine how 1 + 1 could equal 3? Can you possibly think of an emotion that is completely brand new? If you do agree that there could be alien lifeforms out there, then you must also accept that there may be lifeforms that have such such capacities of understanding that could put us humans on the level of dogs in comparison.

We are completely limited to our realities, and we need to understand that we can go no further than what our capacities enable us, we can only ever hope to understand within our limits. It is foolish to ask so many "what ifs" because the scenarios are endless and put together with the possibility that there are elements of understanding and reasoning out there that are impossible for us to comprehend at all, we would just be dabbling in arguments that are in the end futile.

No it isn't, you're looking at it too simplistically. The fact that we can only inhabit this earth and nowehere else is something to behold in and of itself. We wake up everyday to millions and trillions of scientific processes that are happening continually without ceasing at every second and moment of our lives and it continues even as we speak. Is it not amazing how we are perfectly fine tuned to this system and cannot survive anywhere else? The reason why I call your reasoning too simplistic is, for example let's say that we are capable of inhabiting anywhere just as well as we do here on earth - don't you think that an aspect of this appreciation would be lost? Haven't you considered how we might lose the appreciation of the planets and their diversities? Don't you consider such feelings in the realms of truth aswell?

You're only limiting your understanding of the world in pure cold numbers and processes, and that is completely ignorant. You forget that things such as 'colour' and 'love' and 'hate' are not scientifically observable, we may see it's processes and how we can come to view red, blue, or green, or how we get angry but these are experiences that are limited to this "I". Science cannot explain this experience but only ever it's processes but never the actual result.

Start encompassing literally everything about life and the world and you'll get a truer understanding, instead of just looking at the world purely as a system of cold hard processes.
As I said, you're view of the world is too simplistic. How do you know that God did not mean for them to become extinct? How do you know they did not become extinct for us to learn lessons from them becoming extinct? And we have, haven't we? You're ignoring too many aspects of understanding. You're ignoring the value of "wonder", and "amazement" that people have when they find such things that have become extinct. For Muslims it should also be a reminder that everything comes to an end and that it's a fate that isn't just exclusive to these creatures, for us to contemplate the end of our lives and improve ourselves before it happens. These kinds of values for some reason are worthless and not worthy of mention for atheistic people, when in fact they exist and carry meaning, much more so than mere scientific processes.

Again you're showing us the limited, flawed and egotistical understanding that atheists have of the world. Why should the Qur'an detail to us every single bit of detail that exists in the universe? The Qur'an only tells us what is necessary. Allah in the Qur'an has already told us that countless times that there are things that are unknown to us. Yes it may be possible that there are other lifeforms out there, and yes there may even be messengers and prophets sent to them. It doesn't say anywhere that Muhammad is the last and final messenger for all creatures ever, that's a flawed comprehension of the use of language.

Clearest Rational Argument for the Existence of a Creator :

The following six step argument has been formulated with the modern agnostic and atheist in mind. Each premise is accompanied with an explanation of the exact ‘manner of deduction’, so the reader may appreciate exactly what is being done.

The argument seeks to establish an Entity attributed with necessary existence (ithbat al-wajib) and attributes of perfection such as life, will, power and knowledge, and also free of all flaws, including resemblance to the creation in any way which would allow one to pose the question, “Who created him?” This will all be done based only on universally accepted absurdities (musta’hilat). Certain areas where attempts have been made to undermine the proof have been given extra attention. Most major objections have been dealt with in the main body of the article.

Assumptions and Summary

Due to the lengthy nature of the article, we will first list the hinges upon which the argument depends, and then a brief outline of the premises. This will be followed by detailed commentary on all of the stages of the proof, including preempting all major rebuttals. The issue is a serious one, and we ask our reader to please bear with us. The argument presupposes two matters that we believe are beyond debate. We will thus not engage in attempting to ‘prove’ these two issues. Instead, we would rather not discuss with anyone doubtful in these two issues. They are very obvious:

1. Firstly, the real existence of beings, attributes and events we observe in the world. Our direct observation of them is sufficient in acquiring knowledge of their real existence.

2. Secondly, the principle of non-contradiction. It is not possible for two directly opposing propositions to both be true, and likewise for both to be false. Necessarily, one will be true and the other will be false. Similarly if a proposition leads to contradiction – and we are able to demonstrate this – its opposite will need to be accepted as true on this basis alone. It is not warranted for someone to claim we have not proven our point, if we were successful in demonstrating contradiction within its opposite. Yes. If an opponent wants to contest our disjunction, claiming a third option is possible, they are free to do so. Throughout the article, we will preempt all such occasions. Naturally, the article will get lengthy at such places. For this reason we offer a brief summary before beginning. Below are the six stages of the argument listed in a summarised fashion:

Premise 1: [I lift my hand in real life, point to it and say,] This particular movement of my hand is something which began to exist.

Premise 2: Whatever begins to exist must have a cause.

Premise 3: Therefore, this particular movement of my hand must have a cause.

Premise 4: This cause will either be A: contingently existent [along with what that entails], or B: necessarily existent [along with what that entails]. There is no third possibility.

Premise 5: This cause is not a contingently existing cause.

Conclusion: Therefore, by rational necessity, it must have been a necessarily existent Being who created the movement of my hand [along with all of what this entails].

Just by viewing the summary above, one can gather the following:

* This is not your conventional cosmological argument that sets out to establish a finite beginning in time for the universe and argues for a “primary mover” or “first cause”. We ask our reader to please put aside preconceived notions of what they might think the argument is attempting and instead pay particular attention to the commentary which is to follow.

* From the premises above, one can clearly see that this argument is attempting to prove both the existence of a Creator and also occasionalism, all in one go.

* In establishing premise 5, the argument will invoke the absurdity of “infinite regress”, as we believe no sound argument for the existence of a Creator can be formulated without tackling this important angle. Again, we ask that the reader not jump to conclusions prior to reading our explanation.

After this brief introduction, let’s now begin with the commentary:

Premise 1: [I lift my hand in real life, point to it and say,] This particular movement of my hand is something which began to exist.

The purpose of the first premise is to prepare a subject and place it in a class based on a consideration relevant to our argument. Here the subject is a particular movement of my hand. Is this act something or is it nothing? Obviously, it is something. What do we call it? Let’s agree on a term. Given that prior to my initiating this movement, my hand was in my lap. When I lifted it, the particular movement which was not there earlier, only now began to exist. Based on this obvious reality, we suggest that the predicate for the first premise should be ‘something which began to exist’. We will ask our opponent, whether this is an accurate categorization or not. In the first premise we are not ‘proving’ anything. We rely on one-time direct observation in validating this first premise. It does not involve any experiment, induction or deduction.

‘Beginning to exist’ is a simple meaning which is clear. What it contains is the simple notion of a previously non-existent act entering into the realm of extra-mental existence, something for which it was always possible to exist in the mind’s eye. When something of this nature actually does exist, this is what we mean by ‘beginning to exist’. What else do we intend by this phrase? Do we have any elaborate notions regarding this phrase? We say, this is an irrelevant question. Please put aside what we believe, and focus on the reality of the hand being stationary, followed by the particular movement I later drew attention to. What problem can there then be, if we choose to call it exactly what it is?

If one needs to contrast the phrase with something which “did not begin to exist”, then this is very easy. Any imaginary movement can be used to illustrate the opposite of ‘beginning to exist’. We obviously believe in more than this which will be the ultimate conclusion of the entire argument. The point is that our first premise does not in any way depend on this conclusion. In order to accept the idea of ‘beginning to exist’ one is not required to acknowledge at the very outset an extra-mentally existing Entity which never began to exist, i.e. an Entity which is eternally existent. This is not the only opposite to our phrase ’something which began to exist’. The more obvious and universally agreed-upon opposite are those possible acts which have yet to begin. Any yet to exist possible act will suffice. We can now move to the second premise.

Premise 2: Whatever begins to exist must have a cause.

In this second premise we have taken the predicate of the previous premise (something which began to exist) and have made a universal judgment upon it. If we are successful in demonstrating the truth of this universal judgment, then by rational necessity whatever we say here regarding ‘things which begin to exist’ as a class will need to extend to the subject of our first proposition, i.e. the movement of my hand. This is a self-evidently valid form of deduction. We call it the Great Rule of Equivalence. It involves two premises; a minor one which simply prepares a subject and makes it belong to a class, and a major premise which takes the class and makes a universal judgment on it. The purpose is to extend the judgment on the class to the particular contained within the minor premise.

How then do we demonstrate the truth of the proposition ‘Everything which begins to exist must have a cause’? Is it by accepting this to be a self-evident axiom not in need of being proven, or is it done by surveying the particulars of the principle, i.e. by way of induction, or by way of some other method? We say, it is indeed a self-evident truth. It is one of those things which are ingrained in our very nature. This knowledge is not ‘acquired’ through experience. Instead it is used in arguments to prove other less self-evidently true claims. Had it been inductive, an old person 70 years of age would be more convinced of its veracity [because of having many more opportunities to have tested the principle] than say a child of 8 or 9 years. This however is definitely not the case. Children and old people share exactly the same degree of conviction regarding this principle. Furthermore, we draw attention to the fact that knowledge of real extra-mental things in the world is something we do not doubt. This knowledge however is based entirely on the causality principle. If you were to enter a room with your eyes closed, you would not know what is in the room. When you open your eyes, only then, knowledge of what is in the room will be gained for you. We say, if you do not have doubt regarding knowledge of the real existence of the things in the room, you should also not doubt the principle which was the basis for this knowledge. This is what we mean when we say that this principle is self-evidently true. Another example of something which is self-evidently true is the impossibility of contradiction.

As far as the truth of our second premise is concerned, many will be satisfied with what was mentioned in the previous paragraph. Some will naturally need more. Not a problem. We have a second method for demonstrating the truth of the proposition. This second method is nothing more than taking one first principle (the causality principle) and explaining it in light of another more clear first principle, namely the impossibility of contradiction. The questions to our opponent at this time would be: Do you accept that contradictions are impossible? Do you accept that every thesis has an antithesis? Do you accept that if one of two direct opposites is false on account of involving contradiction, then by rational necessity the other must be true? If these three obvious points are conceded, we may proceed:

The direct opposite of ‘Everything which begins to exist must have a cause’ is ‘Not everything which begins to exist must have a cause’, which is in the power of ‘Some things which begin to exist do not have a cause’. Anything which begins to exist by definition can not be necessarily existent [whether such a category actually exists or not is not the point currently. Our opponent is free to believe that it is purely hypothetical]. Otherwise it would have been existent since eternity past, since necessarily existent means its very nature requires for it to exist in which case it cannot have a beginning for its existence. Similarly, it can not be impossible because impossible things do not happen in which case it would not have begun to exist. Since such a thing can neither be necessary, nor impossible, it must be merely possible (another word for which is contingent). Therefore, with respect to the very nature of such a thing, both existence and non-existence are equal. That it is to say, there is nothing in its very nature which requires existence (since it is not necessary), nor is there anything in its very nature which requires non-existence (since it is also not impossible). Thus the two are indeed equal.

Whenever any contingent being [or attribute, act, event] leaves the realm of non-existence and becomes existent [such as the movement of my hand, subsequent to it being stationary in my lap] , it will necessarily need to be on account of some external cause preferring its existence over its non-existence. Otherwise, this is impossible on account of involving preponderance without a preferrer.This is a contradiction because it leads to non-equality in existence and non-existence of that wherein equality of the two was assumed [in the previous paragraph]. The thing we’re talking about like the hand-movement was not necessary, nor was it impossible. Its existence and non-existence were both equal, i.e. not required by its very nature.. so now, if it comes to be without a cause, then this means that existence [in relation to its very nature] is preponderant over non-existence, and just a minute ago we agreed that the two were equal. So how can something be such that both its existence and non-existence are equal and at the same time be such that its existence is preponderant above its non-existence? Since contradictions are impossible, our antithesis ‘Some things which begin to exist do not have a cause’ is definitely false. Since both a thesis and its antithesis can not be false, our original proposition ‘Everything which begins to exist must have a cause’ is necessarily true.

The conclusion of the argument until this point is:

Premise 3: Therefore, the movement of my hand must have a cause.

The above concludes the first leg of our argument. We will now take the conclusion arrived at from the above, namely ‘a cause’ and make it the subject of a new argument using another mode of argument called the Rule of Opposition. But before this, let us remind that in all of the above steps what we did not do is mention the word God. Not even once. Even the term ‘necessarily existent’ only occurred once, and that too in a hypothetical context. The phrase ‘eternally existent’ similarly occurred once in order to illustrate that the first premise did not rely on our adversary’s acceptance of eternal existence. This is an important point, namely that the above steps were clearly traversed without any reliance on our ultimate conclusion or anything entailed thereby. Therefore, it is accurate when we say, we did not expect our adversary to entertain any notion which he does not already believe to be true.

Having arrived at the conclusion in step 3, we are now ready to introduce the Rule of Opposition. This is another intuitively deductive mode of argument the veracity of which no reasonable human being can doubt.

In the previous argument we established with zero probability of the opposite alternative that the movement of my hand definitely has a cause. Now, we will restrict this conclusion of the previous argument within two exhaustive possibilities. One of them will be based on what our adversary understands from causality and existence. We will tailor for him a very specific analogy in order to demonstrate that the cause for the hand-movement cannot have been what he understands from both causality and existence. This will be because his side of the disjunction involves glaring absurdities which are universally accepted: “…when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. This is universally agreed upon. This is the Rule of Opposition.

Premise 4: This cause will either be A: contingently existent [along with what that entails], or B: necessarily existent [along with what that entails]. There is no 3rd possibility.

This has been thoroughly explained in the previous section. The B side of the disjunction is our true claim. It is yet to be proven. Do not worry. We will do that towards the end of the argument. Placing it right there in the premise for the world to see is totally valid, since we are now dealing with a disjunction. It will be our task to illustrate how side A involves glaring absurdities, and how these absurdities can not be removed in any way except by accepting what we will place on the B side of the disjunction. This is what the Rule of Opposition is supposed to do after all.

Premise 5: This cause is not a contingently existing cause.

To claim that the cause which resulted in the movement of my hand was of the very same nature as the movement itself, namely something which itself began to exist, is not possible, because positing this necessitates that the movement of my hand remain in the realm of non-existence, whereas in premise 1 we confirmed that the hand did move.

If one assigns properties to causality and existence such as being confined within spacetime [and other such attributes entailed by contingency], then they are essentially claiming that an infinite series of cause/effect relationships must have been concluded before the movement of my hand could ever have had a chance to begin to exist. This however is impossible because infinity can not end. That would be a contradiction in terms. If it ends, it can never be infinite. If it is infinite, it can never end. You would need an infinite amount of time to conclude an infinite amount of beginnings and endings. This is like a car, if it needs to move from A to B, and the condition for its reaching its destination happens to be the concluding of its wheels rotating an infinite amount of times — in such a scenario for it to reach its destination is clearly impossible, since you would need an infinite amount of time to conclude an infinite amount of rotations. Anything dependent on this can never have a chance to occur.

At this point, our opponent will say something along the lines of the following: “Fair enough. We do not entertain an infinite regress. We have our reasons for this. According to us, we begin a journey from the present moment and keep going back in the past until we hit a certain event which occurred approximately 13.7 billion years ago. We maintain that all matter, energy, space, time and everything else came into being at this point in time. Prior to this there was no spacetime. Existence and causality can not occur independent of spacetime. Therefore, the journey stops at this event. If you want to continue the journey beyond this point, you must bring proof”.

We will reply thus: Your stopping of the journey itself at any finite time in the past [based on whatever consideration] does nothing to remove the absurdity we are highlighting.

If we had a line of soldiers consisting of only 20. This line stops on 20. There is no 21st. Every soldier in the line has a gun and is capable of shooting, but there is one condition that needs to be fulfilled before any soldier in the line can ever have a chance to shoot. That condition is for the soldier before him to shoot. Keep in mind that the line stops at 20. Will a shot ever be fired? The answer is no, because the one closest to us will not be firing, on account of the one before him not firing, on account of the one before him not firing and so on. The final soldier does not have a soldier before him and yet his condition for firing is also unfulfilled. Hence, no shot will be fired and we are left with complete silence. Let’s now double the line. Will anything change? Obviously, no. Again, complete silence. Make it a billion soldiers? 13.7 billion years worth of soldiers? Same result. Same complete silence. So you see, making it infinite or entertaining an ‘abrupt cut-off’, either way, the result is exactly the same. The entire series remains restricted to ones imagination. The need attached to each and every unit remains unfulfilled, including the need attached to the very first unit in the series.

In utter desperation, he or she will now ask, “OK, you tell us, what happened? You will inadvertently say, ‘there was an Entity in the background all along (God) who pulled the trigger for the first soldier’. Where did this Entity come from? He was never part of the equation. This is absurd. If you can entertain this absurdity, I can claim that the very first unit in the series occurred causelessly. What’s the difference?”

We will respectfully remind them at this point that we are still discussing their side of the disjunction. There are no soldiers for us, as will become clear very shortly. Be patient. This whole analogy was carefully tailored to reflect only our adversary’s notions of existence and causality, namely that both causality and existence cannot occur independent of spacetime. This is why there is no such Entity as part of the equation. We are not being gratuitous. Not at all.

At this point, we particularly ask our reader to please focus on what is about to be said. In the upcoming paragraphs we will address some major rebuttals which have been presented throughout the ages. This will get intense, and it is possible that some might need to reread what we will mention a couple of times in order to get a clear picture.

What just happened in these last two paragraphs is very significant: The atheist thought we were getting ready to establish a “first cause” (after all, this is what the majority of arguments out there do), thinking we too must reply to the soldiers’ analogy. He found positing an entity outside spacetime to be absurd because according to him there is no existence, nor causality outside spacetime. He misunderstood and believed the soldiers were there to represent entities and attributes which exist in the world. Since we also believe in the existence of such entities and attributes, we also must offer a solution. He then assumed our solution was to invoke a first cause. Based on this, he attempted to put words in our mouth: “there was an Entity in the background..” We, instead, took this very objection of the atheist and made it a component of our proof, which we will later make use of in order to establish “occasionalism” which is our true belief.

The soldiers are not there to represent entities and attributes which began to exist. Therefore, not everyone who accepts the existence of these entities and attributes will be confronted with this ‘riddle’. Rather they are there to represent existing entities and attributes only in their capacity as causes leading to the movement of my hand. This is the understanding of our adversary. The analogy was tailored specifically for him. We do not adopt this position. Therefore the soldiers do not apply to us.

We claim there is absolutely no solution to this problem according to the principles held to be true according to the adversary, namely that causality and existence cannot occur independent of spacetime.As for the question of whether positing a first cause is a viable position, in and of itself, and if an agnostic chooses to forgo their principles (of spacetime dependency) and entertains “transcendence” solely in order to terminate the infinite regress, while of course claiming that the Entity is simply transcendent and beyond spacetime (in order to differentiate him from the rest of the soldiers), though life-less and unconscious… will such a positing undermine our fifth premise which states that the cause for the hand-movement is not a contingent cause? In other words, what problem is there in having an Entity set the series of contingent causes into motion at a particular point in time (for ease of reference, let’s choose the Big Bang singularity), and then have the contingent causes bring about their effects, one after the other, eventually leading to the movement of my hand? Moreover, why does this Entity need to be alive, or posses any consciousness? Perhaps he triggered the chain reaction inadvertently?

This is an important question. We will address this below:

We contest the notion that mere transcendence (being outside spacetime) is sufficient in terminating the infinite regress. Rather what is required is “necessary existence”. This was intended to be explained at stage 6, but we see no option but to exhaust the issue right here at premise 5. We thus begin:

The very first event in the series of contingent causes occurred, configured with a specific configuration of certain attributes, such as location, precise moment of existence, intensity, duration, etc. Take the time aspect for instance: The event occurred at a particular point in time which has been traced back to approximately 13.7 billion years ago. We argue that in the mind’s eye it was conceivable for this to have occurred before or after its actual time by an almost infinite amount of moments in either direction. All such moments were equal. There was nothing in the very nature of the event which required for it to come to be at its specific moment (otherwise, we would not have been able to even conceive other possible moments), nor was there anything within its very nature requiring for it to not exist at this moment (because impossible things do not happen). All moments were thus equal in relation to its very nature. Now, when it did occur at its specific moment, this must have been on account of an attribute within the Being that caused it which specified one of an almost infinite amount of moments above all others. We will call this attribute “will”, constitutive of which is “life”. Claiming that the Entity caused the chain reaction of contingent causes without being alive, or without possessing will, is absurd, because it entails a contradiction of non-equality within the total possible moments, all of which were deemed equal. Thus there must have been will, constitutive of which is life. So the attribute by which the actual coming into existence of the first event occurred is “power”, and the attribute by which the attributes of that event (location, moment of existence, intensity, duration, etc.) were specified is “will”. Moreover, an Entity capable of creating based on specification can not create what He does not “know”. We thus have the four attributes of life, power, will and knowledge. These are all necessary. Without them, the infinite regress cannot be terminated.

By the admission of the agnostic, transcendence was a requirement for terminating the regress. In addition to that, we have shown in the previous paragraph that the Entity must also have been alive, willing and knowing. Otherwise, He could not have caused the first event in order to trigger the chain reaction. We further argue, that the power, will, and knowledge of this Entity cannot have been restricted only to the first event, but rather, by rational necessity, these attributes must also be “perfect”. By perfection, we mean they must extend to all the subsequent contingent events in the chain leading up to the movement of my hand. Otherwise, positing that the four attributes are restricted to only the first event would disqualify this Entity from its role in terminating the regress, because He would then need another Entity in order to specify the application of His attributes to the first event and prevent them from applying to all others, in which case He would not be the Entity we were seeking. He would just be another contingent being posited outside spacetime. The regress would thus continue without being terminated. He wouldn’t be able to end the regress, rather he would just contribute to extending it.

Since for the very termination of the regress it is absolutely necessary for the Entity to have not only brought the first event into existence, but also all other subsequent events, it now becomes clear that it is absurd to posit a first cause outside spacetime which brought about the first event but remained disassociated from all others. Our premise that the cause for this hand-movement was not a contingent cause thus holds true.

From the above, it is quite clear that the movement of my hand can absolutely not have been caused by something which is of the same nature as the movement itself, namely contingent.This is because, for the cause to be contingent results in an infinite series of causes going back in the past which can never be traversed and concluded. Since the series can never be concluded, the movement of my hand can never have had a chance to exist, whereas we confirmed that the hand did move. Both the movement of my hand (Premise 1) and the non-existence of this movement (entailed by the contradictory of Premise 5) at the same time is a contradiction. Therefore, side A of the disjunction is clearly impossible.

Conclusion: Therefore, by rational necessity, it must have been a necessarily existent Being who created the movement of my hand [along with all of what this entails].

This brings us to the conclusion of our argument. There is not much left for us to do at this point. Everything has already been explained in sufficient detail. Having disproved the false side of the disjunction, naturally, the only way my hand could have moved, since that could not have happened causelessly (Premise 2), and it also could not have happened based on a contingent cause (Premise 5) — the true reason my hand moved must have been by the creation of a necessarily existent Being, free of all of the properties which led to the glaring absurdities discussed above. This must be so. This Entity can not have a beginning for its existence. Otherwise He too would need a cause [or Creator], thus bringing us back to the soldiers. Moreover, He does not need a Creator, because He is not attributed with events or any of the spacetime dependent attributes that things in the universe are attributed with. All of his Divine attributes are perfect and do not require specification. His knowledge, will and power apply to all possible things. In short, He is exalted and pure from all of the possible reasons why someone can ask the question, “Who created him?”

This not having a beginning coupled with positing the non-existence of the Entity leading to absurdity is exactly what we mean by necessary existence. Nothing else. At this stage of the argument it is not a claim. It is not something we are respectfully asking our agnostic to entertain. No. It is the very conclusion proven through a compelling argument, with zero probability of the opposite alternative. The whole point behind this is my hand did move. There is no doubt about that. Making the movement dependent on any of the things discussed until now leads to its non-occurrence, which contradicts its beginning to exist. Therefore, we will have to entertain whatever it takes to remove the absurdities. There is no other way.

Part of this ‘whatever it takes to remove the absurdities’ is will, power and knowledge, constitutive of which is life. Will, power and knowledge can not occur without life. Along with the essence of this necessarily existent being [which we cannot comprehend due to our limited intellects], we argue that there is something there on the B side of the disjunction which is specifying the time, place, quality, quantity, etc. of all the bodies, attributes and events occurring in the universe. We will call this ‘something’ will. So that by which the specification of the contingent beings occurs is will, and that by which they are brought into existence is power. Furthermore, a necessarily existent Being who creates based on specification, can not create what he does not know.

Finally, He must be one. Because if there were multiple such necessarily existent beings then the removal of the absurdities discussed above could have alternatively been attributed to either of the two, thus resulting in the other being dismissible. This contradicts the necessary existence of that other, whereas we assumed them both to be necessarily existent. This is a contradiction, and what led to it must be impossible, namely the positing of multiple necessarily existent beings. Therefore, He must by rational necessity be one.


I don’t know what……

A spherical lampshade hangs over my eyes
Light tears through the curtain drawn windows
Trying to sleep, I keep staring at the darkness
Holding up my hand, I stare, but it is …dark……
Wind chimes clutter along a whistling sound
painful eyes wanting to retire with sleep
Mind awake, the body is at unrest
Something creeps in and thoughts flicker within
Confusion grips the lonely heart
Oppressed are visions, suppressed are the thoughts
Far across are shadows, even light is a lesser guest
Relics seem to crash and the marks are all wet
Raging is the water, surging is its chest
Flashing along the road, wind blown sores rest
Backing off in pain is the only smiling way
Two steps here and another two there
A cat turns around, a silver flash slivers
Change is inevitable but what’s the whole issue
Crows and eagles only soar in the sky
Clouds pour down, there’s disgust in my eye
Holding the river is a whole new lie
Smiling along the whole while, aye
Deserted would be the ways, directionless it says
Will and aggression all into chains
Drooping shoulders, head bowed down
Faceless is the crowd with no aim of my own
A dilapidated soul in a heavy stroll
Corridors are so empty, sightings of rarity
Once in a blue moon, is a dream of clarity?
(Those reigning rain drops, the covert sneak outs, A ray of hope and a clap of thunder….)
Roses turning colorless, black blocks seeming endless
Paths closing ruthless, jamming me merciless
Revenge of all goodness, trembling all norm less
Time heals and time is sealing
Roaming in a circle, my wish is a cycle
Floating around, meddled is my ambition
Wreckage lies around, strength is now shattered
Shattered along, killing glorifies my view
Here I am, still smiling for a few………

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Tribute To My Sister's

My sister's 3"A"

It feels like era but it has only been years,
And yet that is still too long.
I still love all of you the same as if you were still here with me, laughing during the good times and crying during the bad ones.
I miss being able to call all of you any time and spend hours talking about everything under the sun.
As children we were practically joined at the hip,
But we grew up and grew apart, as most siblings do.
We had our own set of friends and our own set of goals, own set of choice for our lives, but that still didn't change the fact that you are my sisters.
There was nothing that I wouldn't do for all of you and I guess nothing that you wouldn't do for me too.
I always wish all of you are still here with me,
But it cant
Remember that, I love and miss all of you always,
And this is the tribute to all of you my sister’s

Color Poetry for a sweet angel,my Niece Tabiba….

Tahia Parsub Tabiba ( My niece )

Pink is the princess in every girl

Pink is the shine of a beautiful pearl

Pink is a lollipop, nice and sweet

Pink tastes like cotton candy , a special treat

Pink smells like lovely, light perfume

Pink sounds like music that fills all the room

Pink feels like a friend when you are love sick

Pink looks like a pot of cute lipstick

Pink makes her happy and light on her feet

Pink is what makes my niece TABIBA complete ……

Monday, April 1, 2013

Dream !

Although I am 32 years old, I know that I still have a lot to see and experience. Obviously, we have a hoard of questions waiting in our minds to play a very important role in steering us towards our tomorrow. I feel, now I am old enough to understand the basics at least.
Everyone is a dreamer and every dream is like music. I feel as if my dream process is similar to holding an electric guitar and playing it away to glory just like Slash of Guns n Roses fame. I believe music is all about sensation. Music defies logic, exudes sensation and makes you feel just the same as a warm sunshine on a cold winter morning. It’s just the sensation that you enjoy.
Anyways, at times I dreamt of being a pilot who touches the sky, a rock star, a sports star, a business tycoon and at times, politicians. But none of those characters in real life seem to instill sensation any more. In reality, they are flying in helicopters but neither do they have the heart to look down nor the courage to touch the sky. Every one is tied in between their commitments and issues where in the desire to bring about a change is only restricted to their own personal glory. My dreams did not portray such characters. In fact, they had an aura which enabled them to represent men among mankind, the growth of which has always been affected by people who can influence. But to what end?
Today, I have stopped dreaming.
Today, the world is in a state of perpetual chaos. People are consciously and unconsciously unaware of a lot of things, including the present. We can say that today we chose to ignore the chaos for the sake of fulfillment of our own necessities and desires. Everyone hopes that everyone should do something but everyone ends up doing nothing because no one makes a self conscious effort to bring even an iota of change to the present. Everyone is waiting for some one to make a start and every one is rather looking for a hope.
On the contrary, I feel that the world is a very large place to talk about. Let’s talk about our own home, BANGLADESH. Today, the responsibility holders and the rein bearers of our mother land chariot are sitting on mounds of gold and following their single pursuit of happiness – the road to Authority. The four legged platform, proudly called as the “godi”. Some of them advocate the backwards or the “previously” crushed class, the dalits. Some advocate the x community, y community, z community and so on so forth. The difference is that the alphabet doesn’t end at ‘Z’. Our ‘elected’ members of parliament have the time and money to resurrect infinite statues of them selves and celebrate their birthdays. They have the stomach to eat kilograms of cakes and the strength to wear garlands made up of thousands of flowers. They DO NOT have the money for cleaning up the rivers, no money for drains and none to offer when there is a condition of drought. There are no proper schools for children and no shade to cover their heads but unnecessary construction in form of innumerous buildings just for the purpose of a organizing a rally. This is the time when they don’t do anything except complaining about each other. With no strength to visit people living in NO electricity land and stay there for even a fortnight, they don’t even have the courage to present their people with a flower when they waste thousands of them in a single birthday celebration. When the drains of cities are overflowing due to blockages and the people of all the castes, race, religion and region are suffering. When the slums and villages are flooded by the rains or burning in fire, they fly in a helicopter to inspect the site of suffering and comment: “Sorkar apnader sathe ache…”
The fact is that… I am extremely sad.
The desire of glamour, money and power are worsening the so called ‘Kali kal’ and eating up our nation backwards. Mere mortals and public servants are draining the public to a state of lesser and lesser mortality and we have been living in a constant hope of change, to be exclusively brought about at time ‘T’ by Mr. ‘X’. The war of desire and its fulfillment has been taken to such a level where only TRPs matter. The media has a lavish some fucking indian drama to telecast and news  have all the time in the world to re-telecast and summarize the same. Also, our ministers have the time to discuss petty issues of small serials even in the parliament.
I fail to comprehend the very concepts of our polity and I give up. Sorry for making the mistake of thinking that media is being operated by extremely intelligent and educated people.
Let’s move on. Today, parents have all the money for smoking and drinking and gulping mouth ‘fresheners’ but not enough to buy their children a book or two to study. Girls are encouraged to take up Home Science as a subject against their wishes. Yes, this is a reality, dint you know? Come on, get out of your room and interact. The so called entrepreneurs have loads of money to shed on building engineering colleges and medical colleges and institutes for MBA and other degrees but not enough to hire proper teachers. No morals to get the college accredited. The ever-growing population and upcoming students take a refuge in these colleges because either there is reservation for various casts , groups, & politically pushed , I wonder,where is the merit list?
Ohh… there it is, in your pocket…!
You are wise you have it in your pocket. Some years ago there was a movement by students and their parents with the list in their hands. I am glad to re-notify you, that they were crushed with a heavy hand comprising of canes and jets of water followed by bloodshed. No, they just wanted reconsideration because they felt that they deserved or may be they ‘thought’ they did. The resulting quality of education has stepped down from bad to worse since there are no teachers to teach and no students to study. So even students today are aiming to grab a degree and move on. The respect of teachers has been submerged and so have emerged a new class of teachers, who have time only for gossip and analyzing the monetary worth of a student’s examination answer sheet. Innumerous students have resorted to studying abroad and innumerous others are doing what they have been forced to do by their parents or society or reservation or better say, the state of opportunity. All of them are gravely frustrated and so our next generation doesn’t want to pay attention to anything else except surviving. They are now busy in realizing and manifesting their destiny. Some are busy wasting their life in search of jobs, another set in drugs and so on so forth. Even this field is run by educated people of the highest order who have ousted Saraswati out of ‘Vidya  mandir’.
How nice?
The system is being eaten away alive, by termites while we sit at home, watching some stupid serial or drama or hindi movie and enjoying the comfort of our fan / air conditioners and puffed cushions. The honest chunk of people has been surrounded by hounds from all sides so that they have no space to breath. The upcoming generation is busy celebrating friendship day and Valentine’s Day as the state of today continues to howl and scream in pain. Sadly, all of us today use earplugs with hundred percent noise cancellation so that we can enjoy our own music.
At times, in moments of despair, when I faced my personal problems or when I helped some of my friends in theirs, I had a question in mind. When I read novels like Shantaram and The White Tiger, I have a question in my mind. TV programmes being aired on CNN, BBC, Discovery or History channel show a lot of biased things about Bangladesh and one question haunts me. At night, while walking back home from a party, I notice poor people sleeping on the black mattress of charcoal and I question myself. In class during lectures, on a motorcycle, while watching a movie or be it any where now I have started to dream of that question.
And the question is that:
Everyone has a purpose in life, what is that, which I have been given birth for?
Either you can keep standing and keep watching or kindly wake up and desire to know it. The universe will provide you energy and means enough to realize it. Everyone has a destiny which one talks about. We talk about what it is, how will we fulfill it and other questions and keep running after them. But we leave the question of our purpose untouched. Some of us ignore it and some of us run away from the same. No one makes an effort to realize it and try to touch it. Can we not take the initiative to find out the purpose of our life while moving towards our destiny? Can we not help ourselves?
As Ayn Rand puts it up in The Fountainhead: “A man who can’t help himself can’t help anybody”
May be it is yet not time and I have not been able to realize the answer to my question, but at least I know the question now. All I want is a medium, to communicate and light up the minds of hundreds and thousands and millions and then may be billions of people with my question. I feel that today we need this question more than we need hope. All that we need is not influence but education and the rise of a responsible world.
I feel a voice in my throat, wanting to come out and spread around. Why can’t we afford a heart or courage enough to let it out? We have no medium to let it survive. Sensation breeds action. Right sensation breeds right action. If we could device some sensation so as to keep the voice alive, bring the people of today out of their perpetual coma and make them see what responsibility they have for themselves, may be then a responsible world would be a better place to live in. A place where every one wants to take an initiative and do something, not merely complain. A place inherited by educated people who know themselves and have the ability to mentor the tomorrow.
Today, I dare to dream of such a medium. I dream to contribute by making a difference. For now, at least I dare to dream.
May sunshine soothe all…

_Zahid hussein