Monday, July 15, 2013

Complexity of Middle Class !

Do we really have a middle class in our society ( according to earning) ? A very old and debatable question. Its true that there’s no “true” and “proper” middle class in our society.And additionally I would like to think that , its a bad luck for us, since its proven that middle class are always pioneer in leading any social revolutions as per history suggests !
Whatever it is , for my current writing I would like to assume that , we have a middle class culture in our society though it’s not really middle class.
Generally what are the most important things other than money in our life ? Answer may vary , but I think you will agree with me that “Religion” and “Sex” are both very potential choices. Thoughts were occurring in my mind for many days, how these really affect peoples mind.
After some days thoughts, I came to a conclusion that , two extreme classes namely Rich and Poor are not bothered by these usually. These bother only the remaining class aka middle class.
Why I am telling this ?
Let’s start with religion.Religion is the most ancient, well established institution among human society having histories greater than thousands years. Most of the religions give the outline of what to do and what not to do. Not to do list is a huge one. Drinking , telling lie, killing etc etc are placed in not to do list. From my experience I have seen that, there are many rich families who regularly make their prayer. Besides they don’t think twice before drinking ( thought I don’t think drinking is an offense) . They all have their high society stuffs and so on.
Same situation lies with Sex too. Most of them really don’t have any complex about sex before marriage, sleeping with other man/woman.
Look at lower class ( poor). They don’t have much headache about religion. You can see lots of rickshaws on street on the time of Friday Jummah Time. Obviously reason behind that is not same for both upper class and lower class. A lower class people is truly more honest than an upper class people ( most of the cases) and he struggles from hand to mouth to for maintaining his livelihood. But the result is same , neither he can’t pay much attention to religion nor it(religion) has a deep impact on his life. Without going much deeper , we can also say that lower class people also don’t have the hesitation about the right or wrong in SEX.
But all the above stated problems are well existed for middle class. they thought twice before making any decisions. Its middle class , who are always bothered about religion, about its instructions, right or wrong etc stuffs. They have also same sort of thinking about sex too.
I guess it’s all about education and ethics. Middle class is such a place, where you have a bit more money than lower class with addition of education. This class always hesitate to take a decision. I don’t know , whether they are doing right or wrong !
May be time can answer this question as well as it does.

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